Friday, June 17, 2011

First Blind Dating Tips
Love is extravagant, and yet so important!
What do I mean by this? Simply that you are an essential part of the process of bringing someone together with yourself in love and harmony.
This is just a fancy way of saying to be prepared for your first blind date. The idea is that you should collect all information possible about the person you will be dating in advance.
Of course this advice can be used for any kind of date, and not just for blind dates. By showing that you share many of the same tastes as your partner, it helps a great deal in "hitting it off." So, let us consider what will help us in making the best impression on the first date. Always remember that good first impressions count for everything.
First of all, if you want someone to choose to spend the rest of their life with you, then he or she should know you as you really are. Do not try to be someone you're not.
On the other hand, when you go on a date you want to look and dress your best. This is not to say you should wear something you do not normally wear. If you normally wear jeans all the time then wear jeans, but make it a better grade of jeans than you normally wear, and certainly not torn or dirty.
Such little niceties will show the other person that you not only care about your appearance, but that you also care about what other people think of you. After all, if you don't care about what your partner thinks, you probably should not be going on a date with him or her!
On a date, do not constantly talk about yourself. At the other extreme, do not allow the other person to feel that he or she is on an interview or is being given a "third-degree." You need to balance the two-way exchange. This means that you must be able to make conversation as well as be a good listener.
Take some time to get to know the other person. Find out what you have in common with each other. Discover your mutual passions and interests. Do these things, and much of the conversation will fall into place.
Do not show an undue interest in the other person's past if this seems to make him or her feel uncomfortable. You are trying to create a common future with this new person and this means that the past is out of the equation.
Also keep in mind that there are things you should do and ways you should behave depending on the person. If you are a man, remember to open doors for your date. Of course, if she shows a preference to do these things herself, then let her. if she is a true feminist, she will even want to pay for her own meal!
But seriously, always be on time when you pick the woman up and be prepared to pay for the entire date. Don't take your date somewhere that you can't afford, and never let yourself be put in a position where you must ask your date for money to cover the bill. This is a disaster if it happens.
Writing as a man, I am of course speaking more from a man's point of view so any ladies who are reading this should accept my apologies. I try to be impartial as possible. One thing that is not a matter of opinion is that it always is a man's obligation to be polite.
Although general conceptions of women's equality have changed over the years, the old rules still apply to dating, especially for blind dates.


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