Saturday, October 9, 2010

2009 Best Selling Album Winner, Wyne Su Khine Thein's Fashion on Stage

Here are snap-shot hot fashion photos of Myanmar Popular Singer, Wyne Su Khine Thein while she was performing on stage. Wyne Su was wearing  the strapless golden color dress, boots and black short jeans.

Myanmar popular singer, Wyne Su Khine Thein won the Best Selling Stereo Music Album Female Vocalist Award with her frist single album, "Met Lout Sa Yar", at the 8th Anniversary of Yangon FM Music Award Presentation Ceremony which was held on Jan 2, 2010 at MCC Hall, Yangon. Myanmar Popular Male Singer, Han Htun also won the Best Selling Stereo Music Album Male Vocalist Award with his "Shi Nay Mae" Music Album.
Photographer : Unknown


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